SMS & ET B.Ed College is small in size but maintains a high standard. Library is using e-Granthalay software. The total collection of books in the library is 4195. It includes different school text books, reference books, fictions, motivational books, general books, DSM dissertations. The library subscribes journals as well as magazines which are useful to the students for updating their knowledge related to educational field. Library provides free access of library books.

Sr. No. Particulars Numbers
 1 Total  4269
 2 Total no. of Titles 2146
3 Books( Ency., dict., worldbooks, edu. ref. books) 2582
4 Text Books 401
5 General Books 525
6 DSM Thesis (YCMOU) 673
7 CD's & DVD's 20
8 Black Board, Maps, Chart 194
9 News Paper 3
10 Journals & Perodicals 10

E- journals

International Journal of education & learning 

International Journal of Research in Education 



  Online resources

 E - School Text Book

 E – Book



Education has now become imperative to students and Teachers. We have a well equipped computer lab having 30 computers with Internet facility In college hours, the students are accessible to computer labs for Technology based practical's & other computer related work.

Sports & Health Programme

The College has a big and closed ground for Sports activities sports like Volley Ball, Throw Ball, running, Relay shot put Tug of war are conducted every year.
The Institute has a swimming pool and well equipped gymnasium.

Infrastructure Facilities


25, Panchwati Colony, Behind Balvikas Vidyalaya, Talegaon Dabhade : 410506
Contact No.: 7276052645, E-mail Id.: smstbed@gmail.com

Office Timings:
10:00 am. to 5:00 pm.(Mon. to Sat.)

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Pune University NCTE Directorate of Higher Education Pune YCMOU Association of Indian Universities

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